Thursday, January 21, 2010

I wish Summer lasted 500 days

hahahahahhahaha yesterday I was in such a funk about the weather!! I was like an old lady, throwing hissy fits and warning everyone to be careful. I think my determination to have classes canceled was to blame, but I don't care if you laugh at me- I got out of classes yesterday AND today!!

Today I watched 500 Days of Summer and I STRONGLY recommend this movie. It made me experience every type of emotion, it was done beautifully and uniquely, and I could relate with the plot as well as learn from it. It instantly became one of my favorite movies, and that doesn't happen frequently.

In my free time out of classes I have also been reading, I'm trying to read more than usual because I think that making time for fun reading helps me manage my time better with school work. That sounds weird, but making sure I get all of my required stuff done first so that I can continue reading a good book is actually helping me procrastinate less. So far under this experiment I have read Dear John, and re-read Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Now I've moved on to The Lovely Bones. So far, it's very interesting.

Work tonight. BLERG



  1. BLERG is just a word to used when you are frustrated or don't want to do something. Liz Lemon on 30 Rock says it.
